At Kottayam market in Kerala, Rubber RSS-4(In Rs.) ended weak at Rs. 11850 Quintals, down by 0.42 per cent as compared to previous day. Rubber RSS-4(IN USD) ended lower at Rs. 185.86 Quintals, down by 0.34 per cent from previous price level. Rubber RSS-4(In Rs.) at Cochin market ended weak at Rs. 11850 Quintals, lower by 0.42 per cent as against previous day. Rubber RSS-4(IN USD) at Cochin market finished weak at Rs. 185.86 Quintals, down by 0.34 per cent as compared to previous day. Rubber in Kerala Market (Prices in Rs. Quintals) Market Commodity/Variety Price Change Absolute Kottayam Rubber RSS-4(In Rs.) 11850 -50 Kottayam Rubber RSS-4(IN USD) 185.86 -0.63 Cochin Rubber RSS-4(In Rs.) 11850 -50 Cochin Rubber RSS-4(IN USD) 185.86 -0.63 nnbsp;
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Monday, 10 August 2015
Kerala: Rubber in Physical Market Closed Lower
Soybean in Indore Physical Market Trading.
At Indore market , Soybean Plant is trading high at Rs. 3225-3250 per quintal, up by 1.56 per cent from previous trading day. Soybean Mandi is offered lower at Rs. 3000-3140 per quintal, down by 0.32 per cent as compared to previous day. Estimated market supply was at 65000 Bags, up by 25000 Bags as compared to previous day. Soybean in Indore Market (Prices in Rs. per quintal) Market Commodity/Variety Price Change Absolute Indore Soybean Plant 3225-3250 +50 Indore Soybean Mandi 3000-3140 -10 nnbsp; Note: The above mentioned prices are in Rs. per quintal and arrivals are in Bags.
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