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Wednesday, 5 August 2015


1BUY GOLD@24740 SL 24600 TARGET 2484/24940/2504005/08/201517:31:10

STOCKS: IGL Q1 net profit falls 10% on selling gas at lower price


 Indraprastha Gas Ltd., a Delhi-based gas distributor, said fiscal first quarter profit fell 10% as it sold natural gas at lower prices owing to directives of the sector regulator.
  Net profit fell to Rs 1.01 billion in three months ended Jun 30 from 1.14 billion in the corresponding period a year ago, Indraprastha Gas said in a statement to the stock exchanges.
  Net sales rose 3% to Rs 8.99 billion in the period while EBITDA margin narrowed to 18% in the quarter compared to 20.6% in the corresponding period year ago.
  Operating profit margin narrowed mainly owing to rise in cost of natural gas which the company's was unable to pass on to the consumers.
  Cost of natural gas rose 5.53% to Rs 5.58 billion in ther quarter while net sales expanded merely 3%.
   Indraprastha Gas fell 1% to Rs 479.80 at the close of trade on the National Stock Exchange.

SELL IGL@475-485 SL 500 TARGET 450/425/400

Mustard in Madhya Pradesh Physical Market.

At Bhind market in Madhya Pradesh, Mustard Seed closed at Rs. 3900-4000 per quintal, unchanged as compared to previous close. Estimated market supply was at 500 quintals, down by 200 quintals from previous dayn#39;s arrivals. Mustard Oil finished at Rs. 8300 per quintal, unchanged against previous close. Mustard Local at Dabra market ended at Rs. 3900-4000 per quintal, unchanged as compared to previous close. Arrivals were reported at 500 quintals, steady as against previous dayn#39;s arrival. Mustard Non-Condition at Morena market ended at Rs. 3900-4050 per quintal, steady as against previous close. Estimated market supply was at 400 quintals, unchanged as compared to previous dayn#39;s arrival. Mustard Condition at Morena market finished at Rs. 4350-4400 per quintal, steady against previous close. Mustard in Madhya Pradesh Market (Prices in Rs. per quintal) Market Commodity/Variety Price Change Absolute Bhind Mustard Seed 3900-4000 0 Bhind Mustard Oil 8300 0 Dabra Mustard Local 3900-4000 0 Morena Mustard Non-Condition 3900-4050 0 Morena Mustard Condition 4350-4400 0 nnbsp;

Ernakulum: Black Pepper in Physical Market Ended Lower

At Kochi market in Ernakulum, Black Pepper Ungarbled finished lower at Rs. 62600 per quintal, lower by 0.63 per cent from previous dayn#39;s price level. Traders reported arrivals at 20 tonnes, unchanged as compared to previous dayn#39;s arrival. Black Pepper Garbled ended lower at Rs. 65600 per quintal, down by 0.61 per cent against previous trading day. Arrivals were reported at 20 tonnes, unchanged as compared to previous dayn#39;s arrival. Black Pepper in Ernakulum Market (Prices in Rs. per quintal) Market Commodity/Variety Price Change Absolute Kochi Black Pepper Ungarbled 62600 -400 Kochi Black Pepper Garbled 65600 -400 nnbsp; Note: The above mentioned prices are in Rs. per quintal and arrivals are in tonnes.


1BUY SOYA BEEAN @3160 SL 3100 TARGET 3210/3250/329005/08/201515:48:01


Option tips

buy bank nifty 49200 ce @90 target 300/400